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A Managers Guide to Using Bug Tracking Software
Managers are the main team leader for a bug tracking team. Bug tracking software is the manager's main tool for managing bug tracking. It is very important that a manager learns the best way to utilize bug tracking software.
Bug tracking software is the main database for the bug tracking team. The manager needs to use the software reports to make sure that bugs are handled efficiently.
The first move a manager makes when a new bug reports comes in is to assign the bug to a team member. Before assigning the bug the manager needs to make sure all the critical information is included in the bug report so that the team member it is assigned to can begin working on it right away.
The manager should also be able to use the software and every function. This is because the manager will be responsible for answering any questions about the software and helping team members with any problems. They will also need to be able to teach others to use the bug tracking software and to recognize any problems in the software.
Managers also need to routinely monitor bug reports to ensure that team members are handling bugs quickly and effectively. They should be able to recognize changes in the reports that indicate the bug is being worked on. They should also add comments from time to time to let team members know that they are monitoring the reports and recognize their good work or to point out possible solutions the team member may have overlooked.
A manager can greatly benefit form this software, but only if they use it effectively. By using bug tracking software to its maximum potential a manager can make sure their bug tracking team is doing a great job at handling bug issues.