Using Bug Tracking Software to Resolve a Problem |
Bugs can cause some terrible damage to computer programs. That is why it is very important to have a system in place to handle bugs and resolve them. Bug tracking software can help in resolving bug issues. There are three main ways to resolve bug issues and through the use of good bug tracking software this can be done so that bugs can not cause too much harm to a computer program.
Bug tracking software allows a bug tracking team to monitor a bug issue. The software acts as a database for keeping records about bugs as they occur. The software allows comments and information to be entered on each bug issue so that the bug tracking team can work to resolve the issue.
Resolving a bug can be done in one of three ways. A bug can be fixed. Fixing a bug involves rewriting programming to get rid of the bug. A fix is written into the bug report in the bug tracking software that indicates exactly how the fix will be carried out.
A bug can also be deferred. Deferring a bug occurs when the bug is determined to not be a major threat. This is usually done only with bugs that do not cause any major problems. Deferring a bug does not mean it is completely ignored, though. The bug is just put aside until a later time when there is no other major bug problem to address. This is also recorded in the bug tracking software. The software record is important because of the fact that this bug will be worked on at a later date.
Lastly the bug can be duplicated. A duplicated bug is a bug that is reported in the system two or more times. When this happens, all duplicate records are voided out so that there is no confusion and the bug is not being worked on by multiple people at once, thus wasting time.
Resolving bugs is all a part of bug tracking. Bug tracking software is helpful in that it will help update everyone on the bug resolution and status.