Hi. Let me tell you a story that happened to me the other day. I was walking down the street of New York City. It was a lovely, sunny spring day. Suddenly I heard someone cry, “Help!” I looked up and saw a distressed woman calling from the window of her office building. I immediately […]
Tag Archives: Product management
How to Create an Agile Backlog in 2 Minutes
It’s Allison here again. In this clip I’m going to talk about Backlog. Most likely you’ve heard this term in the past. I’ll explain what an Agile Backlog is, the advantages of using an Agile Backlog, and show you how you can setup your own Backlog using your Elementool account. A Backlog is a list […]
Your Trial Account Expires Tomorrow!
Are you excited to have the tools and strategies that can help you manage projects with ease?Then you need Elementool, which offers a simple system for running successful projects. You trial account will expire tomorrow so you need to act fast! With your Elementool account, you will be able to:• have better control over […]
How To prevent Bugs From Falling Through the Cracks
Hi, I’m Allison. Today I want to talk to you about bugs and how to prevent them from falling through the cracks and getting ignored. I don’t like bugs. Bugs cause problems. But bugs are a part of the programming game. I hate it when you think that the product is ready for release and […]
How To prevent Bugs From Falling Through the Cracks
Hi, I’m Allison. Today I want to talk to you about bugs and how to prevent them from falling through the cracks and getting ignored. I don’t like bugs. Bugs cause problems. But bugs are a part of the programming game. I hate it when you think that the product is ready for release and […]
How To Save $1,360 For Every Team Member
This is a Café Latte and this is a muffin. Together they cost $6. What if there was a machine that, if you fed it a Café Latte and a muffin every day, it could save you $13,160 a month for every 10 people that you have on your team, which is a daily savings […]
How to Create Project Schedule Part II
Hello! It’s Allison again, and I want to continue a bit on the subject of how to create a project schedule using Elementool. With today’s clip you’ll discover the importance of estimating and how you can use it to build a schedule. We’ll also talk about dealing with tasks, and tracking the progress of a […]
How to Create Project Schedule Part I
Hello, Allison here. Today we’re going to see how easy it is to build a project plan by using our Scheduling software. Understanding the structure is the crucial first step in any project, so this is a key aspect of planning. I’m going to show you how to build your project plan in just a […]
Don't Believe me, See What Others Are Saying
Hi, this is Allison again, and as you probably know, I’m a big believer in the helpful software, services, and programs that Elementool offers. But you don’t need to just take my word for it. We have countless satisfied clients, from companies great and small, and some of them would like to tell you why […]
How to Eliminate Procrastination Forever
Hi, it’s Allison again, and I have a great clip to show you today. In it you will find out about some incredibly useful techniques for overcoming the common – but frustrating – tendency to procrastinate. I have to admit, I’ve been known to procrastinate myself, especially at work. I’ve had those days when I […]