Top 3 Reasons Why Projects Fail

Hi. Let me tell you a story that happened to me the other day. I was walking down the street of New York City. It was a lovely, sunny spring day. Suddenly I heard someone cry, “Help!” I looked up and saw a distressed woman calling from the window of her office building.

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I immediately rushed over to see what’s going on. The office was in a total uproar, with people pulling at their hair in frustration, I could see that they’d been working overtime and looked tired. The woman who called for help, the project manager, looked hopeless. “This is chaos,” I said. “Project chaos!”

The project manager told me that she didn’t know what happened. She said they were working on a new project and everything seemed fine at first, but then somehow it all went wrong. “Thank goodness you called for help,” I told her. “I know exactly what caused all of this.”“Please, tell us!” she asked. “Well,” I said, “your first issue is Poor Requirements. Clearly you didn’t fully understand your client’s needs and started developing a product that is different from what the client actually wanted.”

Then I explained, “Your second problem is missing priorities. The reason your team is going crazy is because you didn’t define priorities to tasks, so low priority tasks were completed before high priority tasks. Now everybody is completely stressed out trying to get the important tasks done at the last minute. It’s a recipe for disaster. And finally,” I told them, “your project is failing because of scope creep. You keep adding new features and changing the project plan, so, without even realizing it, your project has been getting further and further out of control until it exploded into this mess you have here.”

The project manager thanked me, saying “You’ve saved us!” I told her that I was happy to help but that there was still a lot more to learn, so I gave her a book called “The Project Management Formula”. “What do I owe you?” she asked me. “Nothing!” I said, “Good project management is my reward.” And I said farewell.

So, what can I say, I like to solve problems. I’d like to help YOU solve your project management problems too, so I’m offering you one of the best tools available to help you with that: the Project Management Formula book. This book, written by Elementool’s Founder & CEO, Mr. Yaron Sinai, provides solutions to the three top reasons that projects fail and includes a 5-step program for completing projects on time.

The result of years of project management experience and in-depth research, the Project Management Formula book will explain the different steps of project management and show you the five simple steps for running successful project management process from start to finish.

Get the book for free right now by simply clicking on the button below.


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How to Create an Agile Backlog in 2 Minutes

It’s Allison here again.

In this clip I’m going to talk about Backlog.
Most likely you’ve heard this term in the past.

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I’ll explain what an Agile Backlog is, the advantages of using an Agile Backlog, and show you how you can setup your own Backlog using your Elementool account.

A Backlog is a list of the tasks or issues that the team needs to complete in a specific iteration. It shows you the progress of the development and the status of each task.

It’s a lot like a car GPS. It shows you how fast you are going, how much you’ve traveled so far, and how much you still have ahead.

Each row on the Backlog represents an Iteration.
Each column represents an Issue Status.
Usually at the beginning of the iteration, all the tasks will be under the Open status column, which means that they are not completed yet and need to be worked on.

In the middle of the iteration, tasks will change their status and location on the Backlog. Some will be in progress, some complete, and a few still open.

The ultimate goal is to reach the end of the iteration when all the tasks are in the Complete column.

To setup a Backlog in your Elementool account, you should follow these steps:

1. Define all the tasks in the Issue Tracking account and assign them as Status ‘Open’.
2. In your Scheduling tool, define a project and iterations.
I explained in detail how to setup projects and iterations in previous clips and I suggest that you check them out. You can find the links to these clips below.
3. Add the Issue Tracking tasks to the iteration by using the ‘Add Issue’ option.
4. Once all the Issues have been added to the iteration, let’s go back to the Issue Tracking’s Welcome page.
5. If you don’t see the Backlog, add it by clicking on any item’s Edit button, check off the ‘Show Backlog’ option, and click on Save.
6. Now the Backlog is displayed and the Issues are automatically added to it. You can see their status and progress on the Backlog.

I would like to offer you the Issue Tracking and Scheduling for only $119.99/month.
Added to this, I’m going to give you two extra services for free:

• Test Cases – for making sure everything is tested and no bugs are slipping through the cracks.
• Requirements Management – for making sure the project is developed according to what your clients want.
So click on the button below and upgrade your account now!

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Your Trial Account Expires Tomorrow!

Are you excited to have the tools and strategies that can help you manage projects with ease?
Then you need Elementool, which offers a simple system for running successful projects.

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You trial account will expire tomorrow so you need to act fast!

With your Elementool account, you will be able to:
• have better control over your project progress – this will reduce stress and enable you to have more free time.
• improve communication between team members – reduce frustration among your team members, improve team moral, and increase productivity.
• finish tasks faster and finish projects on time – making you more competitive and enabling you to do more for less effort and to earn more money
• and much more

Elementool can save you up to $13,160 a month for every 10 people on your team.
That’s an annual savings of $157,920!

But, believe it or not, we aren’t charging thousands of dollars for our project management system.
Your investment in Elementool starts at only $89.99 a month.

So act right now and click on the Upgrade button below before this phenomenal deal expires!


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How To prevent Bugs From Falling Through the Cracks

Hi, I’m Allison.

Today I want to talk to you about bugs and how to prevent them from falling through the cracks and getting ignored.

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I don’t like bugs. Bugs cause problems. But bugs are a part of the programming game. I hate it when you think that the product is ready for release and after it’s out clients call to report bugs. That can be pretty embarrassing.

But you know what can be even worse? When a bug is discovered by the client, and then you find out that this bug was actually known to the team before the release — but because of a weak reporting process, it fell through the cracks and was never fixed.

It’s like when you make a grocery list for a big meal. You buy everything on the list, but then when you’re in the middle of making the meal, you realize you’re missing an ingredient. You look over your list and realize you did include it – it’s just that you scribbled it on the back of the paper instead of putting it neatly on the front with everything else, so it was overlooked.

That’s annoying enough in cooking, but it’s really bad news in project management, because the stakes are much higher. For instance, I was once working on a project that we had just finished and released, only to discover afterwards that there was a significant bug. Well, when my team and I re-traced our steps to try to figure out what went wrong, we discovered that someone had found the bug and simply didn’t report it correctly. As a result, a problem that could have easily been fixed long before the software release was overlooked.

That’s why Elementool utilizes the Bug Life Cycle model, an effective method for preventing bugs from falling through the cracks.

The cycle starts with new bugs and enhancements being submitted into the Elementool account by Quality Assurance as new issues.

Next, team leaders assign priority to new issues, and those issues are assigned to developers in the Elementool account.

After that, R&D fixes issues according to priority, and the issues’ status is changed to Fixed in the Elementool account. The issues are then assigned back to the QA for testing.

Following that, R&D releases a new internal version with fixed bugs and new features.

Then QA checks fixed issues in the new release, using the Elementool report engine.

Finally, fixed issues are closed in Elementool by QAand non-fixed issues are reopened in the Elementool account, allowing the cycle to resume.

By using the Bug Life Cycle model, Elementoolis able to keep bugs in check, making sure that any reported bugs are fixed before software is released.

You can get Elementool’s Issue Tracking for only $89.99 a month with unlimited users.

I would like to offer you to add three more services to your Issue Tracking account. Any combination of three additional services from the following:
• Help Desk – for running customer support and making your clients happy.
• File Sharing – for sharing files on the online and saving time.
• Test Cases – for making sure everything is tested and no bugs are slipping through the crack
• Requirements Management – for making sure the project is developed according to what your clients want.
• Scheduling – for managing the project plan and schedule and making sure tasks are completed on time.
• Conference – for running online meetings and improving communication.

Pick three of these services for only additional $30 a month.

Yes, that’s right.

For $119.99 a month you can have any combination of 4 Elementool services.
But that’s not all, if you upgrade your account now, I’ll give you 50% off the rate of the first month.
For example: if you upgrade now to $119.99, you will pay only $59.99 this time.
You better hurry because this special discount will expire at the end of the day.

So click on the button below and upgrade your account now!

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How To prevent Bugs From Falling Through the Cracks

Hi, I’m Allison.

Today I want to talk to you about bugs and how to prevent them from falling through the cracks and getting ignored.

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I don’t like bugs. Bugs cause problems. But bugs are a part of the programming game. I hate it when you think that the product is ready for release and after it’s out clients call to report bugs. That can be pretty embarrassing.

But you know what can be even worse? When a bug is discovered by the client, and then you find out that this bug was actually known to the team before the release — but because of a weak reporting process, it fell through the cracks and was never fixed.

It’s like when you make a grocery list for a big meal. You buy everything on the list, but then when you’re in the middle of making the meal, you realize you’re missing an ingredient. You look over your list and realize you did include it – it’s just that you scribbled it on the back of the paper instead of putting it neatly on the front with everything else, so it was overlooked.

That’s annoying enough in cooking, but it’s really bad news in project management, because the stakes are much higher. For instance, I was once working on a project that we had just finished and released, only to discover afterwards that there was a significant bug. Well, when my team and I re-traced our steps to try to figure out what went wrong, we discovered that someone had found the bug and simply didn’t report it correctly. As a result, a problem that could have easily been fixed long before the software release was overlooked.

That’s why Elementool utilizes the Bug Life Cycle model, an effective method for preventing bugs from falling through the cracks.

The cycle starts with new bugs and enhancements being submitted into the Elementool account by Quality Assurance as new issues.

Next, team leaders assign priority to new issues, and those issues are assigned to developers in the Elementool account.

After that, R&D fixes issues according to priority, and the issues’ status is changed to Fixed in the Elementool account. The issues are then assigned back to the QA for testing.
Following that, R&D releases a new internal version with fixed bugs and new features.
Then QA checks fixed issues in the new release, using the Elementool report engine.
Finally, fixed issues are closed in Elementool by QAand non-fixed issues are reopened in the Elementool account, allowing the cycle to resume.

By using the Bug Life Cycle model, Elementoolis able to keep bugs in check, making sure that any reported bugs are fixed before software is released.

You can get Elementool’s Issue Tracking with unlimited users.
I would like to offer you to add three more services to your Issue Tracking account. Any combination of three additional services from the following:
• Help Desk – for running customer support and making your clients happy.
• File Sharing – for sharing files on the online and saving time.
• Test Cases – for making sure everything is tested and no bugs are slipping through the crack
• Requirements Management – for making sure the project is developed according to what your clients want.
• Scheduling – for managing the project plan and schedule and making sure tasks are completed on time.
• Conference – for running online meetings and improving communication.
Pick three of these services for only additional $30 a month.

Yes, that’s right.

And it gets even better.
You can try Elementool for 30 days for free.

So there is nothing for you to lose.

Open a free Elementool trial account. Use the system with all its features for free for 30 days. If you like it, keep it.

If not, don’t use it. No strings attached and no questions asked.

Very simple.

So click on the Sign Up button below now!

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How To Save $1,360 For Every Team Member

This is a Café Latte and this is a muffin. Together they cost $6.
What if there was a machine that, if you fed it a Café Latte and a muffin every day, it could save you $13,160 a month for every 10 people that you have on your team, which is a daily savings of $438?

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Would you want this machine?

Impossible, you say.

Today I’m going to show you how you can save 340 hours, or $13,160 a month for every 10 people that you have on your team, by using Elementool for a low investment of $6 per day.

You might think at first that you need to take a big step to save so much money, but you’ll soon discover that the small improvements add up to big savings.
I would like to break that down so that you can get a better sense of how this works.
First, there’s Project Snapshot.

With Elementool’s Issue Tracking, your team members login to the account and immediately see a snapshot overview showing all relevant information regarding issues currently in the system. They can see exactly how many issues are assigned to them, sorted by status, severity, priority or any other criteria you choose.

This type of report takes about one minute to create using in-house software or Excel. Done once an hour, that is 8 minutes a day, adding up to 3 hours per month per person or $150 worth of a programmer’s time, spent on creating reports instead of spent working on the project. So if you use Elementool instead, you’re looking at $1500 in savings for 10 team members.
Second, File Attachment.

Another near constant demand for the QA or development person is the need to attach files to various issues reported to the system. Then, when a team member works on fixing an issue, he has access to the files related to the issue. For example, issues related to the UI could be pictured in a screen shot and attached to the issue to aid in quickly describing the problem. There’s no need for the user to conduct a tiresome search for the screen shot in the company’s file server. On average, each person spends five hours per month on file searching. But using Elementool, that time is reduced to about 5 minutes a month because you don’t need to look for the files, they are right there, attached to the issues. That’s a cost saving of $2500 for every 10 team members.

Organized and clear information saves communication time for developers when interfacing with the tester who reported the issue. When issues are reported using Excel spreadsheets or e-mail, the developer often needs to contact the tester to get more information. That extra time is costly. It’s an average of 5 minutes of a team member’s time. If these actions are performed an average of 10 times a day, it’s 50 minutes of wasted time. That is about 18 hours or $916 a month per person. You can do the math yourself: $9160 for every 10 people on the team.

So far we have 1500 + 2500 + 9160 = $13,160

That’s an annual saving of $157,920 for every 10 people on your team.

Now thing about how much you save if you have 30 people on your team ($473,760/year)
Or 80 people ($1,263,360/year)

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There are few more time savings activities that cannot even be measured and can save you much more time and money while running the project.
Project Control is another important task.

Knowing how many open issues there are in each stage of the project and how much time it takes for issues to be fixed can provide the project manager better control over their project. Project managers find it difficult to run the project according to schedule if they don’t know at any given moment how many open issues there are to fix, what the priority of each issue is, which issues can be postponed until the next release and how long it takes for issues to be fixed. Elementool enables you to run reports that show you within seconds exactly how many issues are still open, what their priority is and how long it takes for issues to be fixed.

Performing development and testing tasks according to their priority can increase efficiency and prevent unnecessary waste of time during the product development process. In many cases developers don’t know the priority of each task and often spend more time on low priority tasks than high priority tasks. As a result the project is not completed on time. Elementool enables you to define the priority and severity of individual issues and assign them to the different developers. This way, developers know which issues are assigned to them and what the priority of each issue is. Fixing issues according to priority is yet another priceless advantage that comes with using Elementool.

Upgrade your Elementool account and start saving right away.

When you upgrade, you will get Elementool’s
• Issue Tracking that enables you to track new bugs, prioritize and assign issues to team members, generate reports, send email messages between team members, attach files, type notes on a message board, customize the account according to your special needs and more.
• Help Desk for running customer support, create a Contact Us form, store all the messages received from and sent to customers in a database, track and view the correspondence history of each message, generate reports and more.
• Scheduling lets you design the project plan, monitor projects and resource performance, define different tasks, compare estimated time requirements with actual time reports, calculate the project cost based on the time reports submitted by the users, create Gantt charts and more.
• Requirements enables you to collect the full project’s feature list, assign priorities, create SRS documents, assign requirements to team members and much more.
• Test Cases to manage and delegate test cases so that bugs don’t get lost or overlooked. To track new test cases, define test case steps and procedure, prioritize and assign test cases to your team members, generate reports and customize the accounts according to your needs.
• And File Sharing that lets you to upload and share files from any place in the world. The web-based file sharing from Elementool quick to set up, easy to use and cost-effective.

And it gets even better.
You can try Elementool for 30 days for free.
So there is nothing for you to lose.

Open a free Elementool trial account. Use the system with all its features for free for 30 days. If you like it, keep it.
If not, don’t use it. No strings attached and no questions asked.

Very simple.

So click on the Sign Up button below now!

Sign Up

How to Create Project Schedule Part II

It’s Allison again, and I want to continue a bit on the subject of how to create a project schedule using Elementool.

With today’s clip you’ll discover the importance of estimating and how you can use it to build a schedule. We’ll also talk about dealing with tasks, and tracking the progress of a project using Elementool. So listen up – you’re going to find out some really useful stuff in this one!

Let’s start by talking about estimates. An estimate is a prediction of how long a project will take to complete and how much it will cost. For more information on ways to create estimates, view Elementool’s Project Management Formula program at, which goes into great detail about various estimation techniques.

When you are planning a project, to ensure that you stay on track to finishing on time, it is vital that you create estimates for each task. Be certain that the people making the estimates are experienced in the type of work that’s being estimated, since this will increase the likelihood of a correct estimate. It can also be helpful to use data from similar past projects to help make estimates for current ones.
Once an iteration begins, you will want to start assigning tasks to team members based on the iteration length, the task priority, and the time required to develop these tasks. As a team, you need to determine what must be accomplished during the iteration, in what order the tasks should be done, and who should do them.

Team members should choose tasks based on their availability, also taking their teammates’ availability into account. The estimates of how long each task should take will make it easier to decide who will be assigned which tasks.

A major factor when it comes to assigning tasks is task priority. The team needs to decide what the highest priority items are – in other words, which features are the most crucial to the success of that iteration. High priority tasks should be assigned first, with the team gradually working its way down to the medium priority features and eventually the lower priority features if there is time. In our Project Management Formula program, we discuss in greater detail priority classifications and how they affect the way a team handles a project.

To create estimates and assign tasks to team members, you should follow these steps:
1. Choose a task on the project task list.
2. Set the task start and end dates.
3. Submit the number of hours that the task should take in the Hours field. This is the total number of hours that all team members will spend on the task.
4. In the Resources column, select the team members that this task is assigned to. The system will automatically evenly split the total number of hours between the team members. You can change the number of hours each person works on the task, in case they don’t spend the same time.
5. Elementool will create the Gantt chart bar representing the task schedule and assign the task to the team member on their personal schedule.
6. As you can see, the task bar is clear and looks empty. When team members submit the time that they spend on the task, the task will start to fill up, representing how much time has been spent.This will enable you to see the development progress of each task. We will have an example of that in our next clip.

That’s it. Building the project schedule is very easy. Anyone can do it.

I’m going to show you a simple way how you can use Elementool Schedule to track the progress of the project. This will allow you to make sure that everything is progressing according to plan, and if it’s not, you’ll be able to see that and make the necessary changes in you project plan to get it back on track.

Although estimates provide a projection of how long tasks are expected to take, it is important that team members submit the actual time that they end up spending on each task, and Elementool can help with this process.

Tracking the time that team members spend on tasks allows project managers and the team to see at what pace the project is progressing. Based on the times being submitted, they can see if there are any delays that need to be addressed, or any changes that must be made in order to keep the project on schedule.

The team submits the time that they spend on each task to the Elementool Scheduling system. They can submit it a few times a day when they finish working on different tasks, or once a day for the entire day.

There are two ways team members can submit tasks:
1. If they use the Issue Tracking to work on issues, they can use the Schedule form on the bottom of the Issue form.
a. Scroll down to the Schedule form.
b. As you can see, this issue has already been included in the project.
c. Submit the date and number of hours that you worked on this issue.
d. You can submit the start and end time and the system will calculate the duration automatically.
e. Or just submit the number of hours that you worked on this issue.
f. When done, click on Update.

2. The second way to submit time is to go to the Schedule application by selecting it from the service dropdown menu at the top of the screen.
a. Click on Add Time.
b. Find the task on the project list.
c. Fill out the date and time and click on Submit button.

The hard part is behind us. Now let’s take a look at the Gantt chart. As you can see, the tasks that were reported are starting to fill up on the chart. This allows you to see how much has been done and how much is still left. In case people work on a task longer than expected, their colored time bar will extend itself outside of the Gantt bar borders. This means that they spent more time than was estimated and probably had less time to work on other tasks. So you might expect delays in the project.

This is all for now. If you want to learn advanced strategies for project scheduling and planning, I recommend that you sign up to Elementool’s Project Management Formula program at:
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to submit them in the comment section below.

How to Create Project Schedule Part I

Hello, Allison here.

Today we’re going to see how easy it is to build a project plan by using our Scheduling software. Understanding the structure is the crucial first step in any project, so this is a key aspect of planning.

I’m going to show you how to build your project plan in just a few minutes using Elementool’s Scheduling software. We will define a project, iterations and tasks.
When beginning a new project, it is important to first understand what the structure of the project will be. We recommend going with an Agile plan, which is a flexible approach to project management that gives you the ability to make adjustments as needed.

Using this planning structure, you will divide your project into smaller mini-projects, which are known as iterations. Iterations allow for a more controlled development process because clients can offer feedback at the conclusion of each iteration and team members can revise their plans accordingly. We go into more detail about the advantages and the process of iteration planning in Elementool’s Project Management Formula program at

First you should define the project. You might have one or several projects. Each project contains a list of iterations, and each iteration contains a list of tasks and issues.

To setup a project, you need to follow these steps:
1. Click on Time Estimates.
2. Click on the Add button.
3. Select Add Project.
4. Fill out the project name.
5. The rest of the details on this form are optional.
6. When you’re done, click on the Save button.

Now we have a new project. The next step is to create iterations under this project.
To create iterations, please follow these steps:
1. Make sure the new project’s line is selected.
2. Click on the Add button.
3. Select Add Iteration.
4. An iteration is added to the schedule. Fill in the iteration name.

Each iteration of a project has its own particular list of features. Features are the building blocks of the product that you are creating. For example, on a consumer clothing website, a search engine that allows you to search for an item based on characteristics like style and color is an important feature. Another feature might be the ability to select a size before adding the item to your shopping cart. Once you have a list of features for the project, you will need to write a description of each one, explaining how it should work and what components it needs to include. We recommend using Elementool’s Requirements Management system for defining the project features. Using this tool, you can create the feature list and write the description of each feature. See our Project Management Formula program for more information on features.

Features then must be broken down into workable tasks. For instance, a search engine feature may be broken down into a running search task for a coding expert, and a graphical design task for the graphics expert. Yet another task might be for a copywriter to create text to go along with the search engine feature.

Issues that are stored in your Issue Tracking can also be added to the schedule.
Elementool makes it easy to organize tasks, helping to keep each team member on track.

To add a task, please follow these steps:
1. Make sure the Iteration line is selected.
2. Click on the Add button.
3. Select the Add Task option.
4. Type the task name.
To create a task from an issue tracking record, please follow these steps:
1. Make sure the Iteration line is selected.
2. Click on the Add button.
3. Select the Add Issue option.
4. Select the name of the account in which the issue is stored.
5. Type the issue number.
6. Click on Save.
7. The system will display the issue’s title automatically.

That’s it for now. So simple.

In the next clip I’m going to show you how to build the project schedule and how to assign tasks to team members. Stay tuned…

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to submit them in the comment section below.

Don't Believe me, See What Others Are Saying

Hi, this is Allison again, and as you probably know, I’m a big believer in the helpful software, services, and programs that Elementool offers.

But you don’t need to just take my word for it. We have countless satisfied clients, from companies great and small, and some of them would like to tell you why they love Elementool too.

Please take a look at these testimonials and find out firsthand why our clients value our services.

How to Eliminate Procrastination Forever

Hi, it’s Allison again, and I have a great clip to show you today.

In it you will find out about some incredibly useful techniques for overcoming the common – but frustrating – tendency to procrastinate.

I have to admit, I’ve been known to procrastinate myself, especially at work. I’ve had those days when I couldn’t focus on anything. I would start on a new project, and then get sidetracked by something that I had forgotten to finish earlier. When I’d get bored with that, I would find myself absent-mindedly surfing the web and realizing that hours have been wasted without actually accomplishing one single task. That’s when I’d get that awful feeling in the pit of my stomach as I realized a whole day had passed and I failed to meet a deadline because I kept putting everything off.

I used to feel terrible about myself when that would happen, but then I learned about a system that changed everything for me. I just like to call it the anti-procrastination system because it’s really as simple as that. You follow a few steps and, voila!, you can easily beat procrastination and find the focus you need to get the job done. Let’s learn about the system’s steps now.

And that’s just one of the many excellent little lessons included in our Project Management Formula program! I hope you enjoyed it, and I trust you’re now on your way to conquering procrastination forever.