Hi, I’m Allison. Today I want to talk to you about bugs and how to prevent them from falling through the cracks and getting ignored. I don’t like bugs. Bugs cause problems. But bugs are a part of the programming game. I hate it when you think that the product is ready for release and […]
Tag Archives: SRS
How To prevent Bugs From Falling Through the Cracks
Hi, I’m Allison. Today I want to talk to you about bugs and how to prevent them from falling through the cracks and getting ignored. I don’t like bugs. Bugs cause problems. But bugs are a part of the programming game. I hate it when you think that the product is ready for release and […]
How To Save $1,360 For Every Team Member
This is a Café Latte and this is a muffin. Together they cost $6. What if there was a machine that, if you fed it a Café Latte and a muffin every day, it could save you $13,160 a month for every 10 people that you have on your team, which is a daily savings […]
Learn How to Create SRS Documents in 10 Seconds
Hi, it’s Allison again. When most people think of three little letters that might save your life, SOS comes to mind. But for me, S-R-S is the ultimate lifesaver when it comes to project management. SRS stands for Software Requirements Specification, which is a document that fully describes the expected behavior of a software system. […]