Retrieving Issue Details

To retrieve issue details use the GetIssueByNum Web method.
You need to send the number of the issue you wish to view as a parameter to the method.
Below are examples that retrieve issue number 945 and display the value in the first field - Title.

Example in Visual Basic .Net

        'create an instance of the proxy class
        Dim BTService As New Elementool.BugTrackingWse
        'Execute web method for retrieving issue details
        Dim Issue As Elementool.BugTrackingIssue = (BTService.GetIssueByNum(945))
        'if issue exist
        If Not Issue Is Nothing Then
                'Show the first field of the issue which is title
                MsgBox("Title:" & Issue.FieldsArray(0).Value)
                MsgBox("Issue does not exist")
        End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

Example in C#

    //create an instance of the proxy class
    Elementool.BugTrackingWse BTService = new Elementool.BugTrackingWse();
    //Execute web method for retrieving issue details
    Elementool.BugTrackingIssue Issue = (BTService.GetIssueByNum(945));
    //if issue exist
    if (Issue != null)
        //Show the first field of the issue which is title
        MessageBox.Show("Title:" + Issue.FieldsArray(0).Value);
        MessageBox.Show("Issue does not exist");
catch (Exception ex)